Saturday, July 28, 2007

Desde mi trinchera liberal: Zapatero y sus oráculos

Casi al mismo tiempo que Zapatero hacía en el Parlamento un discurso triunfalista, los datos sobre el paro del mes de junio volvían a situarnos en el mapa del realismo: la reducción del paro en este mes ha sido la más baja desde el año 1999.

Zapatero se obstina en dibujar una Arcadia de postal imposible. El mes de junio ha registrado un descenso de 7.362 personas frente a una caída de 44.774 de parados en junio del 2006, confirmando la tendencia que ya quedó perfilada en mayo. Síntomas de una desaceleración económica que todavía oculta su peor cara. Hoy, frente a la ilusión óptica de Zapatero, hay en España 6.115 parados más que hace doce meses. Esa es la realidad, dramática, que nuestro presidente pretende maquillar. Zapatero anteayer pronunció en el Parlamento un mítin de plaza de toros y autobuses de militancia. Nos vendió el humo de una nación idílica.

Con estos datos encima de la mesa, no es de extrañar que los índices de confianza del consumidor en España hayan caído también en junio, salvo la de nuestro presidente, que permanece intacta. Zapatero, el día del diluvio universal, hubiera salido a regar.


Blogger Spock said...

Hello Fernando,

are you the fernando that went to Newcastle University in 1991 and stayed in Kirkley Close??

If so I still have your coat and I hope you still have my Jumper!!

get in touch (



12:22 PM  
Blogger finig said...

Noooooo I cannot believe this. My dear friend SEAN!!!!
still jumping into rivers my friend??? I will write you an email asap.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Spock said...


excellent -I;ve been trying to find you on the web for ages but with no success and had sent a couple of letters to your old address but never got anything back!!! lots has changed and I can't wait to tell you all about it- I will check my email tonight - but if you want to send me emails you can also use my work address of

speak to you soon my fat Spanish friend!!!

2:47 AM  
Blogger finig said...

Hey Seany, I will wirte email on Monday, I cannot earlier...
I have also lots of things to tell you, and you also tell me abput Mr Gibbon, wildy Mark or our bold Gareth...
Hey...fat....who is fattttt? I am still on that good fit who made me famous in Kirkley Close...
So glad to hear about you...
Did no get any letter from you, maybe some wrong in post.Anyway, we are here again!!

5:42 AM  
Blogger Spock said...

let me know your email address and I will write to you first. I have some time!!! and I can fill you in on everyone!!

you were always FAT!!! I am still in regular contact with Matt Manning, Mr. Gibbon and were all have one year old kids!!!! are you married yet?

6:17 AM  
Blogger finig said...

Hey congratulations, you have kids!! I have teo kids, one 6 and 6 months!! Girls at kirkely didn´t say that I was fat...

email is, but I will not be able to read till Monday when I am back to office!!

6:32 AM  
Blogger Spock said...

Ferny - I will send you an email - nice two here you have two kids - I have a little boy - one year old in 2 days. His name is charlie- if you can go to http://www/ - it is my website - you can look at photos of him. You will need a user name and password - the user name is family and the password is Edington

also go to and look up sean bianchi you will then be able to contact me that way - Facebook is good and if you register on it you will also be able to see Mr. Gibbon and Matt.

do you remember you still owe me 10 euros???

6:42 AM  
Blogger finig said...

I have been checking my email but have no email from you!!
I will try to send you an email asap, today it has been impossible because I had lots of work after holidays.
Heyyyy hugs and hugs to little Charlie!!
Fernando fatty spaniard. i forgot about 19 eurs,,abyway you have no eurs in UK...

1:13 PM  
Blogger finig said...

one thing more...Seany: I cannot get in your web page!!

1:14 PM  
Blogger Spock said...

I sent you an email to your gmail account about 5 minutes ago - if you don;t get it let me know!!

hope you had a good holiday ? where did you go? I was on holiday in malta for two weeks a week ago - very nice!!!!

6:28 AM  

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